VANAIVAN, the Scout Centre

The Vanaivan centre is run by Koprivnice´s branch of Junak (Association of Scouts and Guides of the Czech Republic) and was established between 2008-2011 with the financial support of EU and Koprivnice, a town in the Silesian-Moravian Region of the Czech Republic.

The Vanaivan centre consists of two main parts – a modern building and outdoor facilities. Inside the block you can find several clubrooms, a lecture hall, small gym, computer room, sanitary facilities (toilets and showers) and a kitchen as well. The outdoor sport and recreation area offer a climbing wall, rope centre, fitness area, small amphitheatre, playgrounds and a camping site. The centre also has wheelchair access.

The Vanaivan centre can be used for managerial meetings, organising a range of seminars such as Leadership, Teambuilding, Ecological training courses etc. The facility also serves as a free time activities centre for schools, youth organisations and the general public. During school vacations it is also used for organising summer camps.

In the vicinity of this scout centre you can find a vast array of options to enjoy your free time – besides other things such as both indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a mini golf course, bowling alley or horse ranch you can also enrol in paragliding courses here. Fans of cycling and jogging can have a field day in the neighbourhood of Vanavian, as well. In winter you can relish well-kept cross-country skiing tracks or visit a nearby ski centre.

The surroundings of Vanavian Scout Centre can also offer to its visitors seeing many sights eg. in Koprivnice you shouldn´t miss an original Technical Museum Tatra with its Tatra car gems and museum of famous Olympians Emil and Dana Zatopek, a quaint small town of Stramberk with its castle tower, Pribor-Sigmund Freud´s birth place or Hukvaldy, the native village of the composer Leos Janacek.

Junák – svaz skautů a skautek ČR
Středisko Kopřivnice, ev.č. 814.04
Komenského 1520
Kopřivnice, 742 21